
秘谷森林|重庆 华润·中央公园悦府

承迹景观 看见景观 2023-09-06


Mysterious Valley Forest



Chongqing CENTRAL MANOR is located on the north side of Chongqing Central Park. The entire project site is separated and surrounded by Zhongyuan Mountain, and is arranged in a centripetal shape around Gezigou Reservoir. Adjacent to lakes, surrounded by mountains, with the unique ups and downs of Chongqing's topography, it is like a natural "urban peach blossom garden" in the city.

△项目区位 Project Location  ©承迹景观

我们对示范区的呈现有着美好的期待:依水而居,郁郁葱葱。对于后疫情时代都市人群们向往自然疗愈的渴望,融入到城市品质住宅景观的需求,能有所呼应。在此之上,连同建筑和室内设计师共同将关于生活本质的思考带入设计中—— 在围湖而居的地方,有这样的一个气口,可以让生活和节拍停顿一下,很多故事都可以在此发生。

We have good expectations for the presentation of the demonstration area: living by water and lush. In the post-epidemic era, urban people's yearning for natural healing and the demand for urban quality residential landscape can be echoed. On top of this, together with the architects and interior designers, we brought the thinking about the essence of life into the design——in the place where we live around the lake, there is such an opening that can stop life and rhythm, and many stories can happens here.

©E-ar x TARS


Mysterious Valley Park


The demonstration area has an area of 13,000 square meters, which is divided into park introduction and residential life. We hope to use the continuous natural scenery to surround the future life. However, the previous water conservancy projects in the early stage caused short-term scars to this primitive valley, so we need to restore the land, regenerate green, and reshape the space to restore the surrounding resources.

△现状照片 photo of current situation  ©承迹景观


The park part is 1,500 meters long and 40 meters wide. It is in the shape of a long and narrow strip. It will be a public green corridor between the two groups of the future residential area, leading to the center of the lake along the 5-meter height difference. We designed a new terrain to continue the mountain, combining the rich experience of arriving, exploring, staying, and overlooking, and the height difference is also unknowingly melted into it. On top of this, we invite the "elves" of nature to go home, where they grow freely, the seasons change, and all things regenerate, forming a Mysterious valley park in the city.

△林中山门 ©河狸
Mountain gate in forest

△守望谷口的“精灵” ©河狸

Waiting for "elves" of valley


Into Forest


Groups of Chinese fir forests become the gateway of the park and also the north entrance of the demonstration area linking Chunxuan Avenue. Thousands of Chongqing local stones are used to build several landscape walls at the entrance by building blocks. The balance between thick and light, visible and transparent, has a wonderful sense of space. Under the cedar forest, there is a floating glass building between the turns of the stone wall as a public post, where pedestrians waiting for the car or sheltering from the rain can take a break. The original wood and stone are matched with a small amount of artificial and exquisite materials to stabilize a sense of security in the changing nature of the seasons.

©E-ar x TARS

△入口驿站  ©E-ar x TARS

Entrance station

△到达区域细节 ©河狸

detail of entrance station


Mountain gate in valley


Parking is an important part of the experience. In this area, we transplanted a few big yellow kudzu trees belonging to the imprint of Chongqing to activate the site, and the parking lot is scattered under the big trees. We set up a "mountain gate", and we can reach it through the parking lot. Two exquisite metal landscape walls creates a small opening, as if there is light shining through. Chongqing's forests are dense and lush, and we hope to provide some hints of safety in them. The mountain gate serves as a small station along the road. Before the mountain gate is a flat fir forest, and then the space will extend downwards to explore the valley.

△从山门小口透出的郁郁葱葱  ©E-ar x TARS
The lush greenery from the small mouth of the mountain gate

△“精灵”守护着这片山林 ©河狸
"elves " guard the forest

△山林浓密而丰茂 ©E-ar x TARS

dense and lush forest

©E-ar x TARS

△通向山谷秘境的小转折 ©河狸

A small twist to the Mysterious of the valley


by the creek


Between the valleys, flowing water falls layer by layer from the soft vegetation, tall birch forests, and undulating terrain, becoming the main theme of this peaceful air. Chongqing is mountainous and rainy, and this area also collects and filters rainwater. Finally, it flows into the valley bottom lake. The forest roads pass through the water and interweave in the forest, flowing freely with the terrain and air; moss and miscellaneous trees quietly climb up every inch of soil; The vitality of the flying pendant flower overflows the original boundary to occupy more habitats.

△山谷秘境鸟瞰 ©E-ar x TARS

Bird’s eye view of Mysterious Valley

△步道在山谷里自由交织,若隐若现 ©E-ar x TARS

Trails weave freely in the valley looming

△沉浸在自然的疗愈场 ©E-ar x TARS

Immerse in a natural healing field

△林涧步道踏水而过 ©E-ar x TARS

The trail in the forest walks through the water
△在秘谷里探寻和小憩,仿佛时间都停下来了 ©河狸

Explore and take a nap in the mysterious valley, as if time has stopped

△树林中,水声在柔软的灌木间潺潺流淌 ©河狸

In the woods, the sound of water gurgling through the soft bushes

△飞蓬爬满了每一处空隙  ©河狸

The canopy fills every gap


Walking by the water, faintly passing through the woods, there are two pure white huts hidden in the stream. This is a park resting place we created, and it is also a guide for future life around the lake. Sitting in the house, the time flows slowly, watching the shadows change. The shape of the hut opens the lower window, deliberately making people focus on the small beauty of the greenery on the ground. The hut is not only to smell the stream, but also to listen to the stories of every visitor on the shore of the valley and lake.

△绿意包裹的灯屋  ©河狸

House of Lights wrapped in greenery


△临水而憩 ©E-ar x TARS

Rest by the water

△灯屋成了夕阳下树影的画布 ©河狸

The house of lights becomes a canvas for the shadows of the trees in the setting sun

△森林里归家路上的灯屋 ©E-ar x TARS

House of lights on the way home in the forest


Mysterious Valley Water Court



The forest is the preface and guidance, and the water yard suddenly becomes clear after passing through the dense forest is the clubhouse for future life. Under the original terrain conditions, the architect adopts the earth-covered building method to present a stretched architectural form to meet the various indoor public space needs of future residents. The horizontally stretched clubhouse is supported by the waterscape lotus pond, and the building skin, the nearby forest and the distant mountains are reflected in the waves of the water. The scale and perception of the landscape here will be magnified along with the building, using a wide angle to feel the mirror of the sky of the lake and the continuous greenery of the distant mountains. Passing through the water courtyard hidden in the mysterious valley, a poetic and picturesque modern life will unfold accordingly.

△逐溪而行 ©河狸
Walking by the stream

△树林后的未来生活 ©河狸

Future life behind the woods


△踏水归家 ©E-ar x TARS

Treading home by water

△回望秘谷森林的水中休息平台 ©E-ar x TARS

Looking back at the water resting platform in the forest of mysterious Valley


△进入会所前的石瀑 ©河狸

Stone waterfall before entering the clubhouse



△从水岸石台回望秘谷森林 ©河狸

Looking back at the Mysterious Valley Forest from the stone platform on the waterfront

△草地上的生活氛围是未来公园的缩影 ©河狸

The living atmosphere on the grass epitomizes the park of the future

△水岸石台 ©河狸

waterfront stone platform


Community Life


The comfortable and poetic living environment emphasizes and blurs the boundary between park and residence. The exquisite and warm natural relaxation can emphasize the value of lakeside living. Half of the city is full of smoke and water, and half of the city is full of people. Those who live here can grasp the rhythm of life, so naturally they don't have to go to the far place, the present is the far away place. It is the good time of future life in CENTRAL MANOR

△林中台阶连接住区入口 ©E-ar x TARS

Steps in the forest connect the entrance of the residential area

△住宅主入口前的水盘 ©E-ar x TARS

Water tray in front of the main entrance of the house


△悦府未来生活的美好时光 ©E-ar x TARS

A good time to live in CENTRAL MANOR in the future

原山物象 —— 材料&植物

The original mountain image - material & plant


The simple texture of stone and wet wood is an idea that the design team wants to convey: they are all taken from the mountains, common natural materials are often close to people, and they can also have exquisite emotions after simple selection and polishing.

©E-ar x TARS
△厚重的石材也可以很细腻和精致 ©E-ar x TARS

Heavy stone can also be delicate and delicate

©E-ar x TARS
©E-ar x TARS

△不同质感的对比和雕琢,让最普通的材质也可以成为艺术品 ©E-ar x TARS

The contrast and carving of different textures makes the most common materials become works of art


"Lush, pure and undisputed, peaceful and quiet" is the natural state we want to explore in the Migu Forest, which presents the beauty of a stable, seasonally changing landscape in a low-maintenance way, and belongs to the climate conditions of Chongqing, especially in Chongqing. In the selection of ground cover, more attention is paid to the creation of "environment". Through the rich varieties of cypress, flying cape, casuarina, rosemary, spruce, yew, calamus and other varieties, it echoes the multiple greens in the forest and presents the most vital state.

©E-ar x TARS
©E-ar x TARS


Mi Fu once mentioned the banner "Urban Forest" to break the predicament that mountain dwellings and cities cannot have both, and Chongqing is the state of human settlements where mountains and cities are integrated. The shallow water of the clear stream flows, and the leisurely walk along the mountains is misty and rainy. The secret valley is particularly good on cloudy and rainy days. It has a hazy and moist feeling that belongs to the mountains and forests of Chongqing, and it seems to be the texture left by the breeze.

No need to go far, nature can bring us warmth and surprises. The scenery that can be seen everywhere; the objects picked up at hand; the delicacy and temperature within reach, this is a natural healing field, and it is an oriental wisdom to explore the beauty of nature.

△总平面图 Master Plan  ©承迹景观











摄  影:E-arxTARS、河狸摄影

Project Location: Yubei District, Chongqing City

Project Area: 1.3 ha

Design Year: 2022

Built Year:2022

Client: Chongqing CR Land

Landscape Architecture consultant :Change Studio

Architecture consultant: GAD

Interior consultant: W.DESIGN

Construction: Toqi

Garden construction: Shangye Gardening

Photo credit: E-ar X TARS & Holi


看见景观考察  现场拍摄记录

感谢  承迹景观


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